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海康威視擁有超過300 款不同的閉路電視及監控系統,可應付各種室內及戶外場地。產品可覆蓋各行各業的需要,包括工廈、商廈、商場、酒店、銀行、學校、屋苑、貨倉、停車場、辦公室等。 想了解如何選擇適合的監控產品,歡迎聯絡我們及預約參觀展示廳,體驗監控系統的運作。
CCTV Camera & Video Surveillance
Hikvision has more than 300 different CCTV cameras and surveillance systems for a variety of indoor and outdoor use. Products can cover all the needs of different industries, including industrial buildings, commercial buildings, shopping malls, hotels, banks, schools, housing estates, warehouses, car parks, offices and so on.
To find out suitable surveillance products, please feel free to contact us and make an appointment to visit our showroom to experience the operation of the surveillance system.
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